Thursday, March 17, 2011

Nutrition in Your 30's

The special topic that we would like to feature this month is "Nutrition in Your 30's". First of all, I would like to say that I am a newly minted 40 year-old. So I feel I have a lot of experience as it relates to nutrition in my 30's. I know for me, the most pressing issues were related to figuring out how to eat better and most importantly, put a stop to my expanding waist line. In my 30's I started to really focus on what I was eating and set a personal goal of trying to eat a lot better. Paying more attention to fruits and vegetables was my biggest focus. Not so much for health, but really as a way of changing my figure. Well, that all changed when I realized that I wasn't going to be a size 6 anymore. And then, right in the middle of my 30's, I realized that I needed to eat better for health reasons. I wanted to be responsible and save the environment and eat locally grown foods. I began to visit farmer's markets and eat mostly locally grown foods from May - December. I started my own backyard garden, as a way of getting more vegetables and lowering my food bill. Although I don't have a green thumb, I realized that I was really good at growing things. This really gave me a feeling of accomplishment. This is Thyme and there is more to come related to "Nutrition in Your 30's".

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